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-For our Energy Management Division in SHANGHAI,we are looking for a Facility Engineer 设备工程师.
What are my responsibilities 1. Maintain production equipments to make them in good condition, and control maintenance expenditure.2. Maintain electric devices and lines, air compression machine.3. Control the OEE of prodution machine for Operations department.4. Daily management and assignment of electrician and repairman, to make sure the set goals are achieved.
What do I need to qualify for this job 1. College degree or above, prefer in mechanical manufacturing major.2. Familiar with structure and operational principle of mechanical equipments.3. More than three years of management experiences in equipments .4. English level is CET-4 or above.
What else do I need to know Dimensions of Function:1. Participate in installation and acceptation of production equipments, provide technical support and suggestions.Maintain and repair prodution machine, control maintenance expenditure and save spending.2. Control the consumption of electricity 3. Daily management and assignment of electrician and repairman, to make sure the set goals are achieved
Contact-If you want to know more Siemens job opportunities, please be free to log in our career website www.talentclick.siemens.com.cn如需了解更多西门子职位信息,请登录西门子招贤纳士网站 www.talentclick.siemens.com.cn
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