关于天顺风能(苏州)股份有限公司成立于2005年,并于2010年12月在深圳证券交易所成功上市,注册资本148,140万元人民币,总资产超过51亿元人民币。公司拥有太仓新区工厂、太仓港区海上风塔工厂、包头工厂、珠海工厂和欧洲工厂五大生产基地,专业从事兆瓦级大功率风力发电塔架及其相关产品的生产、销售,是全球最具规模的风力发电塔架专业制造企业之一。 公司致力于风电塔架中高端市场的发展,已通过ISO9001、ISO14001、OSHAS18001(GB/T 28001)体系认证、欧盟CE认证、德国DIN18800-7 E级钢结构产品认证、ISO 3834金属材料熔化焊认证、欧盟EN1090-1/EN1090-2(EXC3)钢结构认证、加拿大CWB焊接认证、日本JIS钢结构认证等企业质量管理的相关认证,公司的质量管理水平得到了国内外客户和业内专家的高度评价。 Titan committing to develop the middle and high-end market of wind energy tower, has obtained the ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO18001, European EN1090 welding certificate, German DIN18800-7E level certification for the quality of steel products, ISO3834 certification for melted solder of metal materials, JIS Japanese Industrial Standard and other certifications. Due to the high quality management, Titan has been highly evaluated by domestic and oversea clients and experts. 公司通过领先的专业制造技术、一流的工艺检测装备和严格的质量管理体系在国际风电塔架市场中建立了巨大竞争优势。自2006年起,已经成为GE、Vestas、Siemens、Gamesa、Suzlon、Repower等一流国际风电设备整机厂商的全球风塔指定供应商,风塔产品销往美国、加拿大、巴西、德国、瑞典、英国、罗马尼亚、西班牙、澳大利亚、新西兰、泰国、印度、外蒙古等数十个国家。 The leading manufacturing techniques, the first-class testing equipment and the strict quality management system together contribute to Titans strong competitive position internationally. Since 2006, Titan has become a designated supplier to world major wind turbine generator vendors, such as GE, Vestas, Siemens, Gamesa, Suzlon, Repower and others .The towers are distributed to dozens of countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Romania, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, India, Outer Mongolia and other parts of the world. 公司坚持与风电科技同步,与绿色能源同行的理念,致力于人类清洁能源的发展! Adhering to the philosophy of keeping the same pace with wind power technology and green energy, Titan has dedicated itself to developing clean energy for human in the world. 愿 景:风能巨人; 使 命:美化环境,不止创造; 价值观:可靠、专业、专注、公平; Vision: Titan in the wind. Mission: Green World, Growing T
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